Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Be Anxious for Nothing

Anxiety is a state of tension that causes unpleasant feelings, it is characterised by uneasiness, fear and worry. Most times we are anxious about legitimate desires which we ought to have gotten or acquired. 

Negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can upset the body's hormone balance and deplete the brain chemicals required for feelings of happiness or calm. It could also affect the immune system and other part of the body. 

If you catch yourself exhibiting these symptoms: heavy breathing, insomnia, inability to relax or concentrate, irritability, agitation, panic attacks, loss of interest in hobbies  and activities, you need to stop and control your anxiety. The cure is wholly found in the word. 

"Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God all you need and thank Him for all he has done" (philippians 4:6)

Here there is a clear command, pray about everything, tell God all you need, thank Him for doing it then peace which is the reward follows. 

"if you do this, you will experience God's peace which is more wonderful than the Human mind can understand, His peace will guard your heart and minds as you live in Christ Jesus"     (Vs 7). 

The Good Life is all about you being on top of situations at all times (good or bad), start living the good life through Him. Let's God's peace guard your heart. 

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